Quick and Affordable Starter Motor Repairs and Replacement Service in Melbourne – Braybook and Sunshine
When a vehicle does not start, or there is a charge light flashing on the dash, it means there is some issue with the starter motor. If the car makes some weird noises during starting, this is also a sign of a faulty starter motor. Starter motor repairs are an essential car service because it is needed to begin the internal combustion engine of any vehicle.
At Doaba Motors in Braybrook and Sunshine, we have various starter motors for all popular brands like Honda, Ford, Holden, and Mazda to swiftly execute starter motor replacements. Our skilled mechanics can also identify problems with starter motors and perform repairs so that minor problems do not require replacements. We also give our customers the chance to choose between brand new pieces as well as fully repaired and refurbished starter motors for their vehicles. Transparency and affordability are very important to our work process and general operational strategies.

How to identify starter motor malfunction?
Here are some indicators of starter motor malfunction that you need to lookout for:
- Clicking noise:
Some car owners find that as soon as they start their car, there is an incessant clicking noise that can be heard frequently. The clicking noise is usually because the starter motor cannot draw enough power, and it suggests that the starter motor is likely to have a complete breakdown very soon.
- Humming noise:
Sometimes a constant humming type of sound can be heard when driving a vehicle. It also points to a starter motor issue because the electrical route of the motor is somehow damaged.
- Grating noise:
If there is a grating noise when driving a vehicle, it also suggests that the mounting bolts are not attached properly and the starter motor may stop working soon.
- If the car won’t start:
If a vehicle does not start properly, it can be due to starter motor problems in some cases.
How much does a Starter motor replacement cost?
Starter motor replacement cost depends on the model of the motor being replaced. At Doaba Motors in Melbourne, customers can also choose to spend a little less on their starter motor replacement by using repaired and refurbished motors of great quality. Brand new starter motors are also available.
Both repaired and new starter motors at our stores are procured from top-rated suppliers and have been worked on and installed by trained mechanics.
How are we different from other car services in terms of Starter Motor repairs in Melbourne, Sunshine and Braybrook?
If you are looking for starter motor repairs in Sunshine, Braybrook or Melbourne, here are some reasons to choose mechanics at Doaba Motors:
Pick up and drop off service from home for all our car repairs
Multiple starter motors of many popular bands available for quick road-worthy repairs
Refurbished starter motors are also available for cheaper replacements
All starter motor repairs are done adhering to the safety standards of Australia
Experienced mechanics
Transparency in prices
All our spare parts and starter motors procured from top suppliers
If you’re looking for a reliable automotive repair shop offering quality starter motor repairs, then our team at Doaba Motors is here to help. Call us on 0481 314 947 or email our team at contactdoabamotors@gmail.com to know more about car starter motors today!